Castration Resources
and More Information
Surgeons Who Perform Orchiectomy:
I have moved the list of castration surgeons to its own page.
please click here to go to castration surgeon list.
Links to More Information About
It is very important that you learn everything you possibly can about
castration if you are considering this at all. I am just one person with
my own individual experiences, so I urge you to seek input from other people
and examine other sources. I hope to add many more links for you in the
near future.
Eunuch Tom Tom underwent complete surgical emasculation in 1988 and has
included a good FAQ section on his website.
Being Castrated by
Gelding. This masculine eunuch also has a page containing an interview
with Gelding. Can you still be the Pope after castration? Read
either page and find out.
Anne Lawrence now has an orchiectomy page on her
Transsexual Women's Resources website.
study by Dr. Russell Reid M.B., ChB, FRC, Psych.
A sampling of 14 transsexuals who underwent orchiectomy
in the U.K. Dr. Reid also wrote an older hypothesis in 1994.
Orchidectomy by
The Looking Glass Society (U.K.)
Road Less Traveled Includes a personal account
of an orchiectomy procedure.
Orchidectomy article
on the effects and advantages of orchiectomy by Annie
In Non Transsexual Males by Gianna E. Israel
Cancer Resource Center Information
about testicular cancer and treatments, including an information page
about the orchiectomy treatment for this condition.
Prostate Cancer InfoLink Information about orchiectomy for treatment
of prostate cancer.
CancerHelp UK: Orchiectomy Another website containing information about orchiectomy for prostate cancer.
Dr. Spector's website Dr. Kimmel now does
the castration surgeries at a gender clinic in Philadelphia, but Dr. Spector still maintains a website with information about
castration and feminizing HRT.
Orchiectomy Experience An
account of orchiectomy by Dr. Kimmel. I believe
this is the first web page to contain an account of orchiectomy
surgery by this doctor.
August In
Miami Grace Bock writes about her orchiectomy
by Dr. Reed in Miami.
Healthsquare What you should know about
the orchiectomy procedure by Healthsquare.
22 A transgendered woman’s
perspective on body modification surgery.
New link:
Warning To Others A storywriter wrote
something based on a true story of a eunuch who regrets that he was
castrated. Not everyone who gets
castrated lives a happier life after this irreversible surgery. Make sure you are among the very small
minority of people who would have an improved quality of life after castration
before you go through with this procedure.
Online Support Groups
I have listed some groups where those seeking castration or those who have
already been castrated may discuss their interests, issues, feelings, and
concerns with others like themselves.
This Usenet group is quiet lately, but I have received and returned much
support here for over two years.
Mailing List on Yahoo
We discuss castration, penectomy,
and other various genital modifications. (NOTE: I am not the list owner,
though I am a member) This mailing list now contains over 1000 members.
Archive Discussion Forum A discussion forum for those
interested in castration or considering castration, and also for those who
fantasize about castration.
101 on Yahoo
2000 on Yahoo
These are two more Yahoo groups where you may discuss
castration and find out more about it.
Men Without Balls on Yahoo
This is a support group for those who have already been castrated by any means,
whether by accident or by intention. They discuss post-castration
issues such as feelings and hormone replacement therapy. If you are a
person who was castrated and now regrets it, castrated for medical reasons
(such as cancer), or castrated by accident, then I would strongly recommend
that you look into this mailing list. This particular list is not for
those seeking castration or information on the effects, but it is for those already
Psychemasculation on Yahoo
This group discusses the psychological motivation for those who seek
Links to Health Issues of Eunuchs
Hypogonadism effects An
anonymous web page about the possible long term health risks of hypogonadism
National Osteoporosis
Foundation For information about osteoporosis
Dr. Lera on Male Menopause
Hypogonadism by Dr. Stephen Kemp, MD, PhD
To contact me by E-Mail, please go to Sherry's
Contact Page
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